
Tuesday 11 September 2007

My courses in Rhetorics

I've just begun following lectures again, and it's two courses at the institute of rhetorics, the last two courses in my minor before I have to write my masters in Musicology. They're called
Rhetoric and practical philosophy
Teaching Composition (in writing)

I took the Composition one before, but failed to write the 25 page paper to finish the course formally. Didn't read much the last time I followed it, and what I read I didn't understand very well.

So here I go again.
Luckily, it's the same teacher and exactly the same list of sources to be read, and it seems that the bells of understanding are starting to ring the second time around. Of course, that only goes for the texts I have actually read.

Last week, at the first lecture in "teaching composition" I felt really depressed about being back. The majority of the class are Rhetoric Majors, so they have about four more years of immersion into the subject than I. So I feel a bit "behind" the average student in the class.

Today was more encouraging. It turns out that there are quite a few teachers from our equivalent of high schools with years and years of experience with teaching. They make a fine counterpart to the rhetoricans, practical versus theoretical. And now I'm not the only one not understanding the customs of rhetoricans.

And I actually understood every word of what was going on!

(that goes for the 80% of the time where I was actually paying attention. Good thing is, I was inspired into distraction, so I was taking notes to my thoughts when I was mentally absent to the class)

Horray! I hope it goes on this way.

More will follow about my other course.

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