
Friday 21 September 2007

Whopee! Getting back in the game! (of choir singing)

I just had a rehersal yesterday with a choir, it was great! They asked me to assist on a trip to Serbia in October. I got a whole stack of music to learn, but I'm a fast learner so it'll be cool. I'm quite exited to get back into singing.

We've been trying to see eachother every day, even on the busy days, where our time together is after my bedtime at 11 pm. Turns out, I get quite cranky at that hour, so I start bossing him about if he's not in my bed or on his way at that time, which is quite spoiling for the romantic atmosphere between us. So I think we need to get used to not seeing eachother for an entire day (!), if we can only meet that late at night.

I guess if we didn't live together we wouldn't be this lazy (or obsessive) just hanging out whenever we find 20 minutes available. I think I might need to imagine we don't live together in order to not bother him with my bad mood after 11...

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